MEDICAL in Newport Beach, CA

MEDICAL in Newport Beach, CA

Newport Cove Dermatology specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of skin conditions in patients of all ages. An ounce of prevention equals a pound of cure, so Dr. Jennifer Channual, Dr. Anny Xiao & Dr. Cameron Trodello recommends routine skin examinations to counter the harsh Southern California sun and the damage it may cause to your skin.  Dr. Jennifer Channual, Dr. Anny Xiao & Dr. Cameron Trodello specializes in the detection and treatment of skin cancer and other skin-related growths/irregularities, whether benign or otherwise.  Common procedures include mole removal, skin biopsies and excisions, as well as treatment of rashes, acne, rosacea, and eczema.

Woman's Back with Skin Cancer | Newport Cove Dermatology in Newport Beach, CA

Skin Cancer Screening, Evaluation, and Treatment

We recommend an annual full body skin examination to detect pre-cancers and skin cancers. Examining head to toe, we carefully screen for the three main types of skin cancers, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and malignant melanoma. Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma are especially common on sun damaged skin. Melanoma, however, additionally has a genetic predisposition and can be deadly. When caught early, melanoma has a survival rate of 95% after 5 years. Therefore, early detection is incredibly important. The “ABCDEs” (Asymmetry, Borders that are jagged, Colors that are different, Diameter larger than an eraser on a pencil, and Evolution/enlargement) and sun protection can help prevent skin cancer.

A non-healing sore may be a sign of skin cancer. If you have a sore or a new or changing lesion, please schedule a visit for Dr. Channual & Dr. Xiao to evaluate it.

Precancerous Lesions on Hand | Newport Cove Dermatology in Newport Beach, CA

Precancerous Lesions

Skin pre-cancers or actinic keratoses are scaly rough lesions on sun damaged surfaces of the skin, most common in fair-skinned patients with chronic sun exposure or frequent sunburns. They are sometimes more easily felt than seen. The most common areas are the face, arms/hands, and bald areas or central part of the scalp. These pre-cancers are precursors to skin cancer, most commonly squamous cell carcinoma. Treatment with liquid nitrogen (cryosurgery) or prescription topical chemotherapy creams can help prevent the transformation into skin cancer.

Mole Evaluation Guide | Newport Cove Dermatology in Newport Beach, CA

Mole Evaluation & Treatment

Moles or “nevi” are benign growths of pigment cells that can range in color from flesh-colored to pink and dark brown. Some patients have a very few moles, but some have numerous moles. Many moles are harmless, but heavy and chronic sun exposure, frequent sunburns, tanning bed use, having fair skin, and a genetic predisposition can increase the chances of a mole becoming abnormal (“atypical”) or into a life threatening skin cancer, such as melanoma. When caught early, melanoma has a survival rate of 95% after 5 years. Therefore, early detection is incredibly important. The “ABCDEs” (Asymmetry, Borders that are jagged, Colors that are different, Diameter larger than an eraser on a pencil, and Evolution/enlargement) and sun protection can help prevent skin cancer.

Acne Before and After Treatment | Newport Cove Dermatology in Newport Beach, CA


Acne is a common distressing condition due to clogged sebaceous glands that result in the proliferation of bacteria and subsequent inflammation and swelling. Acne can affect one’s self esteem and can lead to permanent scarring if not treated early. It commonly affects teens and can occur in adults as well. By examining your skin and evaluating any contributing factors, we can personalize your treatment to give you the best results. Treatment may range from topicals to oral medications including antibiotics, hormonal treatments, isotretinoin, or procedures like peels and extractions.

Rosacea Before and After Treatment | Newport Cove Dermatology in Newport Beach, CA


Rosacea is a chronic rash typically on the central face that comes in several forms. Erythemato-telangiectatic rosacea is when you have broken blood vessels on the nose and cheeks causing persistent redness. Papulopustular rosacea is when you have pimple-like breakouts with redness on the nose and cheeks. Ocular rosacea is a form that affects the eyes and causes inflammation and redness of the eyelids. Rhinophymatous rosacea is a form that affects the nose resulting in a bulbous appearance. Treatment options may vary depending on the form of rosacea, but may include topicals, oral medications, avoiding triggers, and laser treatment (intense pulse light (IPL) or photofacial).

Skin Infections on Skin | Newport Cove Dermatology in Newport Beach, CA

Skin Infections

There are several types of infection ranging from bacterial to fungal or viral. Occasionally, the diagnosis can be made from the clinical appearance and symptoms you are experiencing. Sometimes, additional testing is required, such as a culture or biopsy. If you have a new rash on the skin that is bothersome, especially if the area is red, swollen, and painful, please come in for evaluation and treatment.

Warts on Skin | Newport Cove Dermatology in Newport Beach, CA

Warts & Molluscum Contagiosum

Warts are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) and are usually present on the hands or feet, but can occur on any part of the body. Warts can resolve on their own, but oftentimes persist or spread if left untreated. Molluscum contagiosum is also a viral skin infection, commonly seen in school-aged children. They are pink or flesh-colored bumps that are very contagious. There are a variety of options for treatment of warts and molluscum, including cryosurgery (liquid nitrogen), topical therapies (cantharadin or “beetle juice”), injections, or oral medications. At Laguna Dermatology, Dr. Channual and Dr. Xiao customizes treatments to fit your needs.

Skin Tags on Neck | Newport Cove Dermatology in Newport Beach, CA

Skin Tags

Skin tags are benign growths of excess skin commonly found along skinfolds that can be painful or irritated when caught on clothing, but are otherwise harmless. Skin tags can be treated with cryosurgery (“freezing”), electrodessication (“burning”), or excision (cutting off) depending on the size and location.

​ Seborrheic keratoses are benign growths (also known as “barnacles”) commonly seen in adults. They tend to become more numerous over time and may have a hereditary factor. Seborrheic keratoses can be white, tan, brown, or dark brown. They can sometimes become inflamed and get itchy and enlarge. Occasionally, skin cancer can look similar to a seborrheic keratosis. If there is a lesion you are concerned about, especially if it is new or changing, we recommend to come in for evaluation. Typically, seborrheic keratoses can be removed with cryosurgery (liquid nitrogen), electrocautery, or by shave removal.

Old Person's Medical Skin Growth | Newport Cove Dermatology in Newport Beach, CA

Skin Growths
(Cysts & Lipomas)

If you have a skin growth that is enlarging, painful, or that you are just unsure about, examination of the lesion can allow us to diagnose it and various treatment options can be discussed to make it better.

Men's Hand with Eczema | Newport Cove Dermatology in Wet Hand | Newport Cove Dermatology in Close up of Rashes on Skin | Newport Cove Dermatology in Newport Beach, CA


Eczema is an itchy rash characterized by red dry patches on the body. There are different forms of eczema. It can be mild or severe and can occur at any age. One form tends to be more common in patients with a family history of asthma or seasonal allergies. Another form can develop due to a new allergic reaction from something ingested or from something externally coming in contact with the skin. The diagnosis can be made from a thorough history and examination. Treatments include good skin habits along with prescription topicals or oral medications.

Wet Hand | Newport Cove Dermatology in Close up of Rashes on Skin | Newport Cove Dermatology in Newport Beach, CA

(Excessive Sweating)

Excessive sweating, also known as hyperhidrosis, can occur on the palms, soles, face, scalp, or all over the body in some patients. For localized sweating, there are topical options or Botox injections that can help. For generalized hyperhidrosis, oral prescription medications depending on the cause of the sweating may be an option.

Close up of Rashes on Skin | Newport Cove Dermatology in Newport Beach, CA


There are many reasons patients develop rashes. It can be due to an infection (bacterial, fungal, or viral), an allergic reaction (to oral or topical medications, food, or environmental sources), insect bites, or genetic factors. Diagnosis can be made based on history, clinical examination, or sometimes additional testing may be needed. Various treatment options are available to you depending on the cause of the rash.

A Collage of Medical Alopecia | Newport Cove Dermatology in Beautiful Woman Getting a Facial Treatment | Newport Cove Dermatology in Newport Beach, CA

(Hair Loss)

Alopecia can be a difficult and frustrating concern for both men and women. There are numerous causes for hair loss that can range from stress to genetic factors, hormonal changes or imbalances, vitamin deficiency, weight loss, illness, medications, or underlying medical or autoimmune conditions. An evaluation can help pinpoint the underlying cause and a personalized treatment plan can be discussed to help with your condition. Treatment may range from topicals to vitamin supplementation or prescription oral medications, kenalog scalp injections, or platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy.

Beautiful Woman Getting a Facial Treatment | Newport Cove Dermatology in Newport Beach, CA

Preventative Skincare

Anti-aging and preventing skin cancer starts with sun protection and sunscreen. A good skincare regimen would include a daily sunscreen, a topical antioxidant, and an evening topical retinoid as a starting point. Depending on specific areas of concern, additional topicals may be added or various cosmetic procedures, such as injectables, chemical peels, lasers, facials, and microneedling with or without platelet rich plasma (PRP).


Emsculpt Neo takes the technology of its predecessor, Emsculpt, to a new level by utilizing both radiofrequency and high-intensity electromagnetic energies to reduce fat and build muscle simultaneously. This advanced treatment produces greater fat reduction and muscle growth results than any single product, all while requiring less time and money. Additionally, Emsculpt Neo is suitable for a broader range of patients, as it can treat individuals with a BMI of up to 35. With its broad appeal and advanced technology, Emsculpt Neo is a game-changing body contouring treatment.

Emsculpt Neo employs a cutting-edge applicator that simultaneously emits synchronized RF and HIFEM+ energies, stimulating muscle growth and fat reduction. The RF heating quickly increases muscle temperature, preparing it for stress exposure, similar to a warm-up before a workout. In less than four minutes, the temperature in subcutaneous fat rises, causing fat cells to be permanently damaged and slowly removed from the body.

Clinical studies demonstrate an average of 30% reduction in subcutaneous fat. The HIFEM+ energy surpasses brain limitations, contracting muscle fibers at intensities unachievable during voluntary workouts. Extreme stress forces the muscles to adapt, increasing muscle fiber and cell growth. Clinical studies show an average of 25% growth in muscle volume.

Yes, Emsculpt Neo is a safe and FDA-cleared treatment for body contouring. It is non-invasive, painless, and requires no downtime.

Most individuals see noticeable results after just four Emsculpt Neo treatments, each lasting 30 minutes. However, the number of treatments needed may vary depending on individual goals and needs.

Emsculpt Neo is ideal for individuals looking to tone and sculpt their bodies without undergoing invasive surgical procedures or intense workout regimens. Candidates should have a stable weight, a healthy lifestyle, and realistic expectations for the treatment.

Emsculpt Neo is a non-invasive and safe procedure; most individuals experience no side effects. Some may experience mild muscle soreness or tenderness, similar to a post-workout feeling, but this should subside within a few days.

Emsculpt Neo results are long-lasting, and patients can maintain the benefits with a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise regimen.

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